вівторок, 19 травня 2020 р.

Класс 8
Урок 100                                                          дата 19.05. 20 р.
Тема: Підсумковий урок.

 Мета:  перевірити  навички читання й усного мовлення;
 розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію
 учнів; розвивати пам'ять; виховувати зацікавленість у 
розширенні своїх знань.виховування почуття доброзичливості.
I.                   Write capitals, nationalities and languages of the countries.

·         England-
·         Scotland-
·         Wales-
·         The Northern Ireland-
·         Greece-
·         Italy-
·         France-
·         Spain-
·         Germany-
·         The USA-
·         Australia-

II.                Fill in the where necessary.
1)__Geneva is 2)__second biggest city in 3)__Switzerland. It is located next to 4)__Lake Geneva and near 5)__Rhone River. 6)__Alps and 7)__Jura mountain ranges are on either side of it. In 8)__winter it is very cold and temperatures may reach -10 C with lots of frost and ice in 9)__mornings but in 10)__summer it is hot and humid.
III.         Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect               passive.
  1. Our house has finally been renovated
  2. The old roof ........................................................................ . (repair)
  3. Some inner walls ................................................................ . (move)
  4. All the windows ................................................................. . (replace)
  5. All the inner doors ............................................................. . (repaint)
  6. A new exterior door ........................................................... . (buy)
  7. A new bathroom ................................................................ . (build)
  8. Central heating ................................................................... . (install)
  9. Exterior walls ..................................................................... . (insulate)
  10. New plumbing systems ...................................................... . (use)
  11. New floors .......................................................................... . (lay)
IV. Make questions to complete the following texts. Use the present perfect passive.
1......................... you been ........................................ money? (promise) Be careful, you can become a victim of fraud.
2.Have ..................................................................................... by us for research? (you - contact)
 3...................................................................................................? (the flight - cancel) There is no announcement on the departure board.
........................................................................................................? (the issue - resolve) Please, let us know.
4........................................................................................ by the police? (you - ever stop) I'm just curious to know.
5.................................................................................. by pop-up virus? (your computer - block)

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...