вівторок, 19 травня 2020 р.

Клас 6
Урок 99                                                         дата 19.05.20 р.
Тема: Повторення.

Мета: вдосконалювати граматичні, лексичні навички и навички вимови;
вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення;
розвивати  логічне мислення; виховувати зацікавленість у 
розширенні своїх знань.

1.Read and do the task.
Text “National symbols of Ukraine”
There are the main official symbols of Ukraine: emblem, flag and
Our national emblem is a golden trident on a blue background. The
trident is a symbol of power. It’s about 1000 years old. It was depicted
on the coins of Volodymyr the Great (979–1015), the Grand Prince
of Kyiv.
Why was the trident chosen as the emblem of Ukraine? The three
points of the trident symbolize the trinity of life: Father, Mother, Child.
They symbolize Might, Wisdom and Love.
Besides, three is thought to be a magic number. We can find a lot of
examples with this number in folk tales three epic heroes, three wishes,
three roads.
Перевірка розуміння прочитаного
T Say if these statements are true or false.
1. Our national symbol is a red star on a blue background.
2. The trident is a symbol of power.
3. The trident is a newly founded symbol.
4. The trident is about 1000 years old.
5. It was depicted on the cons of Volodymyr the Great.
6. The three points mean Love, Friendship and Success.
7. The number “three” is a magic number.

2.Do the test.

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...