субота, 16 травня 2020 р.

Клас 11
Урок  69              дата 29.05.20 р.
Тема: Контроль говоріння.
Мета: Перевірка рівня навичок з усного мовлення.

  Choose one of the following topics. Speak of it briefly.

1. Do you think major of modern devices are essential for people? Do you agree
you can do a lot of useful things with gadgets? Which exactly?
2. What do you mainly use a computer for? Do you use the Internet for your studies? Has the Internet made your studies easier?
3. What comes to your mind when you hear the term “man-made disasters”?
What man-made disasters can you name? Have you ever experienced a natural
disaster? Do you think natural disasters are happening more frequently in the
world today? Why?
4. What are the reasons of natural disasters? Do you think governments do
enough to protect and save environment in different countries?
5. Tell about a strong impression a particular picture once made on you. Describe the picture briefly. Does it change the way you think or feel? 
Is painting still vital, or is it a dead language?
6. What place does the cinema and theatre art occupy in the modern life? 
What do you think about contemporary visual art?
7. What does it mean being a good citizen? Determine the value of responsibility
and independent thinking for you.
8. What is volunteering? Are you a member of any voluntary team? What are you doing while volunteering?

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...