субота, 16 травня 2020 р.

Клас 11
Урок 68                                     дата 26.05.20 р.
Тема: Контроль аудіювання.
Мета: Перевірка рівня навичок з аудіювання.

Listen to the radio interview and do the exercises to practise your listening skills.

I. Match the two parts of the phrase and write (a–h) next to the numbers (1–8).
1) to do a) an experience
2) to overcome b) a job
3) to volunteer c) safety standards
4) to meet d) to help
5) to organise e) the public
6) to gain f) an event
7) to deal with g) experience
8) to share h) a barrier

II. Match the activity with the person who talks about. Two sports are not mentioned.
Swimming, modern dance, football, cricket, Parkour, tennis, skateboarding,marathon running, BMX biking.
Debbie Liam Not mentioned

III. Circle the best answer to these questions.
1. Liam says that Parkour is ... .
a) a type of military training;
b) jumping off high buildings;
c) a way of overcoming barriers;
d) moving around an urban environment.
2. Liam’s main job is ...
a) to check the bikes are safe; b) to clean the ramps;
c) to do demonstrations; d) to teach young people about BMX.
3. Which area did Liam have training in?
a) cooking hamburgers; b) giving the first aid;
c) checking tracks; d) giving safety inductions.
4. Why did Debbie volunteer the second time?
a) to be more competitive in the job market;
b) to help other people;
c) to complete her degree course;
d) to learn how to train volunteers.
5. Which sport did Debbie not volunteer to help with?
a) cricket; b) swimming;
c) table tennis; d) football.
6. Debbie and Liam both say that ... .
a) it’s important to pay people to work in sport;
b) volunteers are often exploited;
c) they love volunteering;
d) volunteers are essential for sport.

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...