неділя, 10 травня 2020 р.

Клас 10
Урок 67                                                             дата 22.05.20р
Тема: Контроль письма.
Мета: Консолідація писемних компетенцій.  
1.      Choose the correct item to complete the sentences.
1)  I really like listening to music/the music.
2)  One of my legs is a bit shorter than another/the other.
3)  There are/ is many things I would like to do in future.
4)  Only some/a little people have been into space.
5)  Each /all child was given a present.
6)  I am going to print out/off an extra copy.
7)  The machine log on/off  automatically after a certain period of time.

2.      Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1)  If I (have) his number, I would call him.
2)  If you don’t put on sun lotion, you (burn).
3)  If you (buy) the blue dress, you (not/ to wear) it very often.
4)  My mum (clean) the carpets every week.
5)  The coach (train) his team in the field now.
6)  Last week I (start) reading a book on local history.
7)  When I came in the lesson (start) and the teacher was giving out the tests.

3.  Choose the topic and write a paragraph or a letter.
1)  Write about a museum, gallery, theme park, or other interesting place you’ve visited. Include this information:
-          where it is;
-          how it is called;
-          what you can see and do there.
2) Next summer you are going to learn the English language in one of British summer schools. Contact organizers and tell them about yourself. Ask them about the following:
- price of the course;
- accommodation where to stay;
- things you have to take with you;
- activities you will have in the summer school.

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...