неділя, 10 травня 2020 р.

Клас 10
Урок 66                                                             дата 19.05.20р
Тема: Контроль читання.
Мета:  Контроль вміння роботи з текстом, розуміння лексичного матеріалу .  
Reading Comprehension
Task: Read the text and choose the best variant (a, b, с or d) to answer the questions. On your answer sheet mark the corresponding letter.On July 4, 1776, a group of rebels representing the Thirteen British colonies on the Atlantic ocean coast in North America signed a document. It stated that these colonies had the right to be free and independent. The document is known as the Declaration of Independence. July 4 is celebrated by Americans as a national holiday — Independence Day.There is a building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which is called Independence Hall. Here the Declaration was signed. On the building there is a famous Liberty Bell, which rang to tell the happy people in the streets that a new country had been born. But Britain did not agree with this fact until 1783. That year the American colonists won in the war of Independence with Britain.
June 14 is Flag Day in the USA. On that day in 1777 the Americans adopted their own flag.
The stars in the flag — white on a deep blue background — represent the numbers of states making up the United States.
Americans think about and treat their flag with respect. In American schools the Flag day begins with solemn ceremony of raising the flag.
1.  When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
a)  In July 1777;
b)  In July 1776;
c)   In July 1778;
d)  In July 1779;
2.  How many British colonies signed the document?
a)  Thirteen;
b)  Eleven;
c)   Fourteen;
d)  Fifteen.

3.  What is celebrated in the US A on July 4?
a)  Flag Day;
b)  Mothering Sunday;
c)   Independence Day;
d)  Liberty Day.
4.  Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
a)  In the White House;
b)  In Capitol;
c)   Independence Hall in Philadelphia;
d)  In Washington.
5.  When did the famous Liberty Bell ring?
a)  When the first president was elected;
b)  It rang to tell people that a new independent country had been born;
c)   When the Americans adopted their own flag;
d)  When was Washington proclaimed the capital of the USA.
6.  When was the flag adopted?
a)  In 1777;
b)  In 1787;
c)   In 1797;
d)  In 1799.
7.  What colour are the stars on the USA flag?
a)  Red;
b)  Yellow;
c)   White;
d)  Blue.
8.  What colour is the background of the USA flag?
a)  Brown;
b)  Dark green;
c)   Light blue;
d)  Deep blue.
9.  How does Flag Day begin in the USA?
a)  With singing the anthem;
b)  With saying a prayer;
c)   With raising the flag;
d)  As usual.
10. What did American colonists struggle with in the War of Independence?
a)  Spain;
b)  Britain;
c)   Canada;
d)  France.

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...