понеділок, 11 травня 2020 р.

Клас 9
Урок 99                                                   дата 14.05.20р

Тема: Підсумковий урок.
Мета: вдосконалювати навички  мовлення й читання;
 розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
 розвивати пам’ять і пізнавальний інтерес учнів; вихо-
вувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.

I.Do quiz. Виконай тест.
1. Ukraine is often referred to by which nickname?
a) The golden vale of Europe      b) The basket case of Europe
c) The bread basket of Europe    d) The cabbage patch of Europe

2. What is Ukraine’s second-largest ethnic group?
a) Russians                                 b) Crimean Tatars
c) Poles                                       d) Ukrainians

3. What is Ukraine’s currency called?
a) The hryvnya                            b) The Ukrainian ruble
c) The taller                                 d) The Ukrainian zloty

4. Ukraine’s Chornobyl power plant became the site of one of the world’s worst
nuclear disasters when a reactor exploded there in 1986. To limit the impact of
the catastrophe, a special “exclusion zone” has been in place around the plant
ever since. What is the radius of this containment area?
a) 15 kilometers                          b) 20 kilometers
c) 30 kilometers                          d) 50 kilometers

5. Ukraine is estimated to account for around one-fifth of the world’s commer-
cial-grade iron ore. It is also estimated to have one-quarter of the world’s re-
serves of which mineral?
a) Silver                                       b) Magnesium
c) Copper                                    d) Manganese

6. Which famous George Gershwin composition is said to have been inspired by
a Ukrainian lullaby?
a) “Rhapsody in Blue”                   b) “Summertime”
c) “Someone to Watch over Me”   d) “I Got Rhythm”

7. What is Kyiv’s Arsenalaya subway station’s unique claim to fame?
a) It has the world’s longest escalator
b) It is the deepest subway station in the world.
c) It was the first subway station in the world to be designed with easy access
for the disabled.
d) It is the only station in the world to be heated by an underground hot spring.

8. The village of Mezhyrich in central Ukraine is home to some dwellings that are
thought to have been the oldest shelters constructed by prehistoric man. What
are they made of?
a) Limestone                         b) Dried cow dung
c) Bog oak                             d) Mammoth bones

9. In 1710, the Cossack nobleman Pylyp Orlyk signed a pact in Ukraine that is of-
ten considered to have been the first document of its kind. What sort of docu-
ment was it?
a) A constitution
b) A bill introducing national conscription
c) A charter establishing fundamental human rights
d) A legal decree that defined women as human beings instead of chattel

II.Grammer practice.Перепишіть речення у Passive Voice:

1.The girl writes poems.
2.The girl drove the white car.
3.They have collected enough money.
4.They will open a new bank.
5.The little boy can draw pictures.
6.The guard watched the prisoner.
7.They will not play football.
8.They believe that he writes good novels

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...