середа, 6 травня 2020 р.

Клас 9
Урок 96                                                   дата 07.05.20р

Тема:Назад до України.

Мета: вдосконалювати навички  мовлення й читання;
 розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
 розвивати пам’ять і пізнавальний інтерес учнів; вихо-
вувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.

1.Watch video.

1.Do ex. 1, p. 226.
Find the cities on the map of Ukraine.

3. Reading & Writing
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate words:
 war, offered,spectacular, dream, walking, stunning, promenade, 
governor’s, beneath, sure.

Odesa is ideal for (1) ... . Begin at the Potemkin Stairs where you can enjoy
a (2) ... view of the bay. From there you can (3) ... along Primoski Boulevard where you will see monuments related to the Crimean (4) ... . Westward you will arrive at the (5) ... palace. Beside the palace you will discover the Tyoschin Most, a (6) … foot bridge across the gorge. (7) ... Odessa is over 400 km of catacombs, which through the centuries have been used by smugglers, partisans, and resistance fighters. Bus tours are (8) ... to this interesting attraction in Ukraine. Be (9) ... to check out the Odesa Privoz, one of the world’s largest markets. Shopaholics will find this a (10) ... . From foodstuffs to clothing, from construction materials to consumer goods, this market has it all.

4.Do the test.

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