неділя, 17 травня 2020 р.

Клас 9
Урок 105                                                    дата 28.05.20 р.
Тема: Контроль говоріння.
Мета:Перевірити рівень навичок усного мовлення.

Choose one of the following topics in each part (three topics totally). Speak
of them.
1. What British city you’d like to go to? Why do you prefer to go there?
2. What are the most popular tourist places in Britain? Choose one of them and
give detailed information.
3. What places would you like to visit and why? Tell about one of the places
(routes) if you were a guide.
4. What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions?
5. How did the invention of television change people’s life? Do you think it is
a useful invention? What is the role of television in your life? How often do
you watch it?
6. Tell how young people can help the green movement. Where did your last ac-
tion take place?
7. Why do we must protect our nature? Tell about pollution, chemicals, traffic,
toxic wastes. What way can we protect our environment?
8.. Tell about the role of trees in nature. What does the disappearing of rain for-
ests cause? Why do people cut down trees?

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...