неділя, 17 травня 2020 р.

Клас 9
Урок 103                                                   дата 26.05.20 р.
Тема: Контроль письма.
Мета:Перевірити рівень навичок письма.

1.Choose the right form Passive Voice.
a)The city were founded in the 19 century.
b)The city was founding in the 19 century.
c)The city was founded in the 19 century.
d) The city was found in the 19 century.

2.Complete the FIRST CONDITIONAL sentence. 
1.I … disappointed if you … to my party.
a)will be; don't come      b) am; won't come       c)was; will not com

 2.If you … to much, you … unwell.
a) ate; felt             b)eat;  will feel             c)eaten; felt

  3. If you … a mirror, you … seven years of bad luck.
a)will break; will have      b)broken; would give        c)break; will have

4.You … your exam if you … hard.
a)don't pass; wouldn't study     b)will not pass; don't study    c)wouldn't pass; study

3.Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence.
1.Is that the boy ... dog I found ?
a)whose        b)that          c)which       d)where
 2.Is that the kind of food .... you like ?
a) who        b)that             c)what
 3.I remember the time ... we met.
a)who         b)which        c)when
 4.What do you call the profession .... is the most popular nowadays?
a)which      b) that          c)what

4.Fill the gap.
1.Albert Einstein _____ the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
a)awardedis         b) awardedwas    c)awarded    d)awards
2.I ... a very interesting book at the library last Friday
.a)were given       b)was given           c)are given
3.I______flowers yesterday 
a)watered            b)was watering       c)had watered       d)had been watering 
4._____your teacher phone you last night? 
a)Was                   b)Had           c)Did 
5.We______to music when the bell suddenly rung. 
a)were listening           b)listened           c)had been listening           d)had listened 
6.Kate ______ from her work by 5 o'clock.
 a)returned                   b)was returning         c)had returned          d)had been returning

5.Choose the correct answer.
1.We always _____ lemonade in the evenings.
a)to drink      b)drinking     c)has         d)have
2.Nancy’s car is ____than mine, but Ben’s car is ____ car.
a) the most expensive / more expensive            b)expensiver / expensivest
c)more expensive / the most expensive             d) most expensive / the more expensive
3._____ the computer at the moment?
a)Does Mr. Taylor  use         b) Is Mr. Taylor using        c)Did Mr.Taylor use
4.We _________ protect animals and plants.
a)mustn't               b)could               c)must
5.London .............. by many tourists
a).is visited          b) visits        c)visited          d)is visiting

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...