вівторок, 19 травня 2020 р.

Клас 7
Урок 102                                                               дата 27.05.20 р.
Тема: Контроль письма.

Мета:перевірити рівень умінь учнів з письма; виховувати почуття

 Task 1. Choose the correct form:
1) Is there ______ coffee left. 
 a) any; b) some; c) the; d) a
2) How _____ cars are there in the street?
 A)much; b) many; c) little; d) few;
3) Is there _____ sugar? 
A) some; b)any; c) no; d)few;
4) There was _______ under the tree.
 A) something; b) no; c) anything; d) some
5) I can’t say _____ about it. 
A) nothing; b) something; c) everything; d)anything;
6) Did you go _____ last week?
 A) everywhere; b) anywhere; c)nowhere; d) somewhere;

Task 2. Fill in the correct tense form of the verb:
1) I read the book which I ( bought/had bought/ was buying)in Kyiv.
2) The boys were playing tennis while the girls (read/ was reading/were reading) the magazines.
3) I came home after I ( had finished/ finished/ was finishing) my work.
4) Peter opened the book and (started/ had started/ was started) reading it.
5) They presented me a vase I (had always dreamt/ dreamt/ was dreaming) about.
6) Before doing this task pupils ( learnt/had learnt/ were learning) the new words.

Task 3. Complete the question with the correct tag.
1)    Mother and her children didn’t notice the road sign,_______?
2)    They will gather apples in the garden,_______?
3)    My friends forgot the keys at home,_________?
4)    These people don’t live in our house,________?
5)    I’m looking for a good job,________ ?
6)    The puppy is really nice, _______ ?

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...