середа, 8 квітня 2020 р.

Клас 8
Урок 83                                  дата 08.04.20 р.
 Тема: Узагальнення знань.
 Мета: aктивізувати граматичний і лексичний матеріал;
вдосконалювати навички аудіювання,  усного мовлення
й  читання;  розвивати мовну  здогадку та мовленнєву
 реакцію учнів; розвивати пам’ять і пізнавальний інтерес
учнів; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.
 1.     Complete the text with the words from the box.
 Weekly      reports newspaper      column published        articles

A ____________is a printed publication containing information,
news and advertisements. The newspaper ___________ are
usually devoted to social issues, news of business, political events,
criminal ___________, art and sports. In a newspaper there’s
usually an editor’s ______________that expresses the personal
opinions of writers. Newspapers are most often _________ on
a daily ______________or basis, and they usually focus on one
particular geographic area where most of their readers live.
 2.  Write questions to the following answers.
 1) How often ____________________________________________?
I don’t often read newspapers, I prefer to find the news on the Internet.
2) What type of newspapers _________________________________?
I sometimes read special newspapers for schoolchildren.
3) When _________________________________________________?
The first newspaper appeared in Britain over 300 years ago.
4) What__________________________________________________?
Mass media is the term that denotes such means of communication as
television, radio, and newspapers.
5) When __________________________________________________ ?
My dad usually reads his newspaper during his morning coffee.
6) What ___________________________________________________?
My favourite newspaper is Kyiv Post.

3. Circle the correct answer.
1) We …..... TV when it started to rain.
a) watch   b) watching    c) were watching     d) watched
2) I wanted to visit you yesterday, but you ……….. not at home.
a) is   b) are       c) was d) were
3) Look! It ………., so we can’t go to the beach.
a) to rain         b) rains     c) is raining   d) rain
4) While he was in the shower, his dogs …………... his steaks.
a) eat              b) eats c) ate                  d) eaten
5) The sun ……….. in the East.
a) to rise         b) rise             c) rises   d) risen
6) After Larry ………... the film on TV, he decided to buy the book.
a) see             b) saw c) have seen       d) had seen
7) Wait a minute, I ………….. this box for you.
a) carry             b) ’ll carry     c) am carry d) have carry
8) She …………... her left arm two weeks ago.
a) broke           b) have broken     c) is broken        d) had broken
9) — I’m about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
— I ..…….. you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.
a) make     b) making              c) ’ll make d) have made
10) While the doctor was examining Mr Jones, his son …….... outside
this morning.
a) wait             b) waits c) is waiting      d) was waiting
11) I ………….. to the cinema yesterday.
a) go               b) went c) gone                d) have gone

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...