четвер, 9 квітня 2020 р.

Клас 7
Урок 85                                                        дата 10.04.20р.
Тема Похід до музею.
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць
 і навички вимови; вдосконалювати  навички читання й 
усного  мовлення  з опорою на  лексикограматичні  структури;
 розвивати  мовну здогадку  й мовленнєву реакцію  учнів;
виховувати  зацікавленість  у розширенні своїх  знань і повагу 
до  традицій  інших народів.

1.Переглянути відео
 2. Прочитай та дай відповідь на запитання.

The  saying  “When a  man is tired  of London, he is  tired
  of  lifel”  (Dr Johnson)  is a cliche, but  you can’t be bored
  in  London.  There are  hundreds of  historic buildings,
galleries and museums. There are parks and street markets,
 over 80 theatres and even more cinemas.
If you want to discover London, it is best to start with a tour on
 a sightseeing bus. It’s  also fun to go on a guided  walk. 
These  are advertised  in Time Out, a  weekly magazine that
 tells you what is happening in London. The walks last up to
 three hours  and have special  themes, such as “Ghosts
 and  Haunted  Taverns”,  “Royal London  — Places and People”,
“The Beatles London — Rock Routes of the Sixties”.

Answer the questions.
1. Why can’t you be bored in London?
2. What is the best way to get acquainted with London?
3. How do you know about different events in London?
4. How long does it usually take tourists to go on a guided walk?

3.Виконай завдання. Зєднай дві частини.
Match  the two  halves of  the sentences  to know more interesting
  things about London.
1. The city became extremely...                      a) the height of her power
2. The Great Fire...                                          b) the Houses of Parliament
3. In the 19th century England was at...      c) the Royal Standard is flown
4.  Almost  all the  monarchs have  been
crowned...                                                   d) Trafalgar Square
5. The Seat of the British Parliament is...        e) the Prime Minister
6. When the Queen is in residence...                f) successful and rich in the 16th   
 7. The Tower of London used to be...           g) destroyed the whole of the City
8. The Mall leads to...                                     h) in Westminster
9.  Downing  Street, is  the residence
of...                                                                  i) the first Royal Observatory

4.Виконай вправу.
Complete the sentences using reflexive pronouns.

She got up, washed ___________ and left the house without disturbing anyone.
Relax ______ when you dance.
 We didn’t know who that young guy was. He didn’t introduce___
 «Children, take the towel and dry___»
I often to speak ______ when i’m in bad mood and alone.
Little Polly is only two but she can dress ______
I’m not angry with him. I’m angry with ______
They never think about other people. They only think about ______

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...