вівторок, 14 квітня 2020 р.

Клас 6
Урок 87                                                                    дата 17.04.20р
Мета: формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення,
 активізувати вживання лексики з теми,  удосконалювати загально-
навчальні вміння: культуру мовлення, чіткість і точність думки, кри-
тичність мислення.

1.Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1.     Is traveling popular nowadays?
2.     What means of traveling do you know?
3.     Which is the fastest way of traveling?
4.     How do people travel when they go for abroad?
5.     Is traveling by car faster or slower than by train?
6.     Do you like to travel by train?
7.     Do you like to travel by car?

2. Прочитайте тексти і відгадайте, про який вид транспорту йдеться.
Text 1
It is the fastest way of traveling. It can take you from one town to
the other one in time. The seats are comfortable. That is a pity but some-
times you can see very little from the windows. The things are too small
to see them. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can not travel by it.

Text 2
This way of traveling is fast. You can stop at any place you like and
go where you like. You need no tickets. Usually families go by it.

 Text 3
This is the slowest way of traveling. Both young and old people like
it. You need not worry about the tickets. The only thing you need is
a rucksack. You can visit many places in such away.

Text 4
This way of traveling is fast. The carriages are comfortable. It is so
pleasant to travel in them. You can see a lot of interesting things from
carriage windows. You can make a long journey on land by it.
 3.Виконати тест за посиланням

 4.Повторення граматики. Вставите the де це потрібно.
1.     .… Milan is a large city in … north of … Italy. 
2.      … Brussels is the capital of … Belgium.      
3.         …Manila is the capital of …Philippines.
4.     …National Gallery is in …Trafalgar Square in …London. 
5.     Most of the best shops are in… Merrion Street.    
6.     …Rocky Mountains are in …North America.           
7.         In …London,…. Houses of Parliament are beside …River Thames     .


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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...