понеділок, 23 березня 2020 р.

7 клас урок 83

 Клас 7
Урок 83                                                                                Дата 27.03.20 р.
Тема:  Кіно і театр.
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення з опорою
 на лексико-граматичні структури; розвивати мовну здогадку
 й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у
розширенні своїх знань.

Make up sentences.
Example: I’m fond of modern plays.  I can’t take my eyes off the stage if the plot is exciting. 
I like
modern plays

I am fond of
historical plays

I am keen on
мusicals plays
most of all
I’m crazy about magic
serious plays

I don’t like
I hate
amusing plays


based on true facts plays

Good  adjectives
bad  adjectives

the costumes are
We can’t take our eyes off the
stage if...
the sound is
We feel interested if...
the singing is
We feel bored if...
the plot is
We are disappointed if...
the actors are

the actresses are




 2.Ask and answer the questions to learn some information about a famous actor.

     John Christopher Depp, an Oscar winner, was born on June 9th 1963 in Owensboro,Kentucky. His mother Betty Sue Palmer was a waitress, and his father John Christopher Depp was an engineer. He was the youngest of four children. The family often moved because of the father’s job but finally settled in Florida. Depp hated his new home and started smoking and experimented with drugs and alcohol. Johnny's parents divorced when he was only 15. As a result Johnny dropped out of school. He wanted to pursue a career in rock music and joined a band as a guitarist.
     Soon John moved to Los Angles along with his band. There he was introduced to Nicolas Cage who suggested that he should try his luck with acting. Depp made his film debut in 1984 in A Nightmare on Elm Street. He played in such films as Edward Scissor hands, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Pirates of the Caribbean. Besides music he is also keen on painting and literature.
1. When was Jonny Depp born?
2. Where was he born?
3. Has he been nominated for any awards?
4. What do his parents do?
5. Does he come from a big family?
6. What are his famous works?
7. What is his hobby?

3.Grammar practice.
There are mistakes in the use of reflexive pronouns in some of these sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. My sister taught himself to swim.
2. Anna repaired the chair herself.
3. The children are making themselves something to eat.
4. I hurt me when I fell down the stairs.
5. We're meeting ourselves at 8.00 this evening.
6. We're enjoying ourselves very much.

4.Reading, learning and writing.
Ex 1 p 152
Then write a short review of a  film you like.

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  Клас 7                                                                                 Урок 21                                            ...