Клас 7
Урок 81 Дата 23.03.20 р.
Тема: Враженя від п’єси.
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних
одиниць; вдосконалювати навички читання й усного
мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури;
розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1. Vocabulary practice
Give English equivalents to the following expressions.
Відомий, ставити (на сцені), дерев’яний театр,глядачі,
згоріти, шумний,веселитися, кидати гнилі фрукти, поспішати.
згоріти, шумний,веселитися, кидати гнилі фрукти, поспішати.
2.Complete the table.
Britain has a long tradition of drama. British theatre began in the
thirteenth century, before the time of Shakespeare, with a series of
short stories from the Bible called the Mystery plays. Even today,
every four years in York and Chester, ordinary people still perform
these plays.
thirteenth century, before the time of Shakespeare, with a series of
short stories from the Bible called the Mystery plays. Even today,
every four years in York and Chester, ordinary people still perform
these plays.
Acting, both by amateurs and professionals, is still very much alive in Britain. British professional actors are usually highly respected and well-trained. The most famous British theatres are the National theatre and Barbican. The Royal Shakespeare Company performs at the Barbican in London and in Stratford-on- Avon, where Shakespeare was born. These theatres receive money from the government so that they can perform several different plays a year. In spite of this money from the government, many theatres, including the National theatre and the Barbican, find it difficult to survive.
There are many smaller theatre groups in Britain. Some of them receive money from the government to perform plays which are contemporary and experimental.
Commercial theatres do not receive any money from the government. They usually perform very popular plays. If a play is successful, the company will perform it for many years.
There are many smaller theatre groups in Britain. Some of them receive money from the government to perform plays which are contemporary and experimental.
Commercial theatres do not receive any money from the government. They usually perform very popular plays. If a play is successful, the company will perform it for many years.
Say if the following statements true or false.
1. Three types of theatres are mentioned in the text.
2. Shakespeare was the person who started the tradition to stage
the plays in the theatre.
3. Ordinary people in some cities prefer only watching plays not acting.
4. British professional actors usually show excellent acting.
5. All theatres in Britain receive money from the government.
6. All theatres stage only classical plays.
7. Shakespeare’s plays are staged only in his native town.
8. All theatres have a successful run.
9. Commercial theatres stage any plays they wish because they
aren’t given any money from the government.
Make up the sentences.
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