Класс 8
Урок 93 дата 30.04 20 р.
Тема: Враження від подорожі.
Мета: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення и читання; розвивати мовну
здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; розвивати пам'ять та пізнавальні інтереси
учнів; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.
1.Do the quiz. True or false.
1. The UK is situated off the east coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on the north — west and the North Sea on the east.
2. The total area of Great Britain is over 344, 000 square kilometres.
3. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland.
4. England is separated from Scotland by the Pennines, running from east to west.
5. The Thames is the longest and the most important river.
6. The population of the United Kingdom is over 59 million people.
7. The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.
8. The shamrock is the national emblem of Wales.
9. The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union John.
10. It is made up of four crosses.
2.Transform the sentences into the Passive Voice.
1) Alex learned a poem.
2) Students handed in their reports at the end of the lesson.
3) Maria feeds a cat.
4) Julia bought a cat.
5) Steven left a book.
6) They play handball at this sports ground.
7) He borrowed this book from the library.
8) Peter gave me these photographs two days ago.
3.Correct the mistakes.
1) Everybody shocked by the terrible news yesterday.
2) Philosophy teaches at the first year of the university.
3) Not much said about the accident since that time.
4) A new book published by that company next year.
4.Complete the sentences with the or — (no article).
1) __UK is made up of __Great Britain (England, Scotland
and Wales) and __Northern Ireland.
2)__ Great Britain is the largest island of__ Europe and the seventh-
largest island in the world.
3) __Scottish Lowlands lie in the valleys of __Clyde, Forth
and Tay rivers.
4) __British Museum shows works from ancient__ Asia,
__Egypt, __Rome and __Greece.
5) __Loch Ness is the largest lake in __United Kingdom.
6) __Cardiff is the capital city of __Wales.
7) __Grampian Mountains in central __Scotland form a natu-
ral division between the Lowlands and Highlands